Saturday, January 30, 2010

Expressions 1

Here's my expressions sheet. I didn't post one yesterday because I was finishing this up.


  1. Dude! Major congrats!! This is awesome! Great work, for realsies!!

  2. Thanks Mike! I feel very satisfied that I finished it. Some of them were pretty tough as I had no idea what the expression should be. You should have seen all the faces I was making on my own face to figure them out. Triumph is my favorite. I think I really nailed that one.

    When do I get to see yours?

  3. I think you really pushed the majority of this expressions. Incredulous really stands out to me because of the subtle combination of the stance and the expression to communicate the intent. Just looking at the word, I don't think I could have summed that up so succinctly.

  4. i think anyone who can put down on paper an exact expression has got a superpower!!

  5. Thanks! I never thought of it that way before. Now, if only I could figure out those tall buildings...
